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Home Castles Princess Towers

Princess Towers

Princess Towers and Castles for Events


Mobiliario para Eventos - Princess Towers - DECOFES E.I.R.LMobiliario para Eventos - Princess Towers - DECOFES E.I.R.LMobiliario para Eventos - Princess Towers - DECOFES E.I.R.LMobiliario para Eventos - Princess Towers - DECOFES E.I.R.LEnvío de Estructuras para Eventos

Princess Towers

Princess Towers and Castles for Events


Structure for awning in the shape of a tower for princesses, a complementary accessory to personalize your party and make it look more striking.


  • Entrance towers
  • Castile for princess, queen, prince or king


  • Buildable in 4 pieces
  • Easy to transport
  • Stable, light and elegant design
  • Iron of good thickness
  • Folding model up to 4m

Product detail

Measure 1.5m wide up to 4m high
Colour Steel
Material Round galvanized iron
Transportable Yes, it disassembles into 4 parts
Foldable Yes, it extends up to 4m high

Envío de Estructuras para Eventos
× Book your order with S /. 20 and pay the difference when you are ready.
  • Protected purchase, product 100% guaranteed.
  • National and international shipments.
  • We accept all available means of payment.
Formas de Pago - DECOFES E.I.R.L
Measure 1.5m wide up to 4m high
Colour Steel
Material Round galvanized iron
Transportable Yes, it disassembles into 4 parts
Foldable Yes, it extends up to 4m high

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