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Home Several Pantograph to Draw

Pantograph to Draw


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Pantograph to Draw


A pantograph is a traditional tool used to accurately copy and scale drawings. It is very useful for artists, architects and crafts fans.

Parts of the pantograph:

  1. Articulated arms: Generally made of metal or wood, connected by hinges.
  2. Pivot points: Places where the arms meet, allowing articulated movement.
  3. Pointers: One follows the original drawing (plotter) and the other creates the copy (drawing point).

Uses of the pantograph

  • Copy drawings: Reproduces a drawing at the same scale.
  • Enlarge or reduce: Allows you to change the scale of the original drawing.
  • Crafts: Ideal for detailed and precise work.

How to use a pantograph

  1. Setting the paper: Place the original drawing paper and the copy paper on flat surfaces.
  2. Adjust the scale: Change the position of the arms to increase or decrease the scale.
  3. Draw: Moves the plotter over the original drawing while the drawing tip reproduces the movement on the copy paper.


  • Precision: Allows you to copy and scale drawings with high accuracy.
  • Versatility: Useful for a variety of artistic and technical applications.
  • Ease of use: No special skills required, ideal for beginners and professionals.
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