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Home Bases Medium Folding Base

Medium Folding Base


Mobiliario para Eventos - Medium Folding Base - DECOFES E.I.R.LMobiliario para Eventos - Medium Folding Base - DECOFES E.I.R.LMobiliario para Eventos - Medium Folding Base - DECOFES E.I.R.LMobiliario para Eventos - Medium Folding Base - DECOFES E.I.R.LEnvío de Estructuras para Eventos

Medium Folding Base


Metal structure used as a base or support for buffet and guest tables, you can mount round and square tops up to 1.8m in diameter, set up guest tables in a matter of minutes.


  • To set up a buffet table
  • For round and square boards
  • As a support for any board
  • Set up tables on any surface


  • Folds together
  • Safe folding system
  • Fixed and balanced
  • Easy to transport
  • Supports up to 100k

Product Details

Measurements medium (70cm x 75cm) and large (100cm x 75cm)
Color Aluminium-colored baked paint
Material 7/8 square iron
Includes Anti-slip folding system

Envío de Estructuras para Eventos
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  • We accept all available payment methods.
Formas de Pago - DECOFES E.I.R.L
Measurements medium (70cm x 75cm) and large (100cm x 75cm)
Color Aluminium-colored baked paint
Material 7/8 square iron
Includes Anti-slip folding system

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